Monthly reviews and recommendations about books I am reading plus movies guides on various topics.
It doesn’t feel like spring today but a few of the books I review below would be perfect to take on a spring break trip or will at least get you in a sunnier mood. I’ve read 34 books since the beginning of the year. I only ever review four books a month on this blog but I do rate each book I read over on my Instagram page (@planningforkeeps) if you are interested in even more book reviews/ratings.
The first half of February was amazing. My schedule was full of date nights, parties, and special events. The last half was awful. Basically, I’ve been coughing up a lung for over a week now. When I’m sick I tend to disregard all of my normal responsibilities but I am able to get in more reading than normal (bonus!). Below are the reviews of a few of the books I read this month.
My reading has been off to an excellent start this year! I’ve begun to mix in paper books alongside my Kindle and audiobooks because I get sick of waiting for my e-books to become available on the Libby app. I hate that I can only put on hold 10 books at a time through my library. I’m very much considering getting non-resident library cards all over the country for this reason. Below are my January book reviews from a good variety of genres to get your reading started off right in 2024.
I find explaining most topics to my children can usually be made easier with books. In this instance, a weird and ridiculous holiday, Groundhog Day is described in these children’s picture books usually through funny stories. Often there are facts about the holiday in the back of the books that help further the understanding as well. Here are the children’s books about Groundhog Day that we’ve enjoyed.